Made during residency at Elsewhere, North Carolina, Greensboro, US, 2007. Elsewhere is a ‘Living museum’ made up of a vast collection of diverse objects housed in a Warehouse that had been a thrift store. Artists, writers, musicians, film makers etc are invited to work with and within what is an evolving environment responding both to the collection and the work of other collaborators.
Hung in a skylight on the top floor of the museum the piece is easily overlooked. The light throughout the day would affect how the piece was seen with at times reflected shadows bleeding below the well of the skylight. In a museum where every record of its contents becomes part of an archive the photograph can be both document and object. Here is a meeting point of two objects transformed, both physically present yet barely visible to those below.
This piece is one of three made in response to and for the site. The other pieces are Grandma's House and Small World swing. All three were sited near each other in the building.